shop & scan


shop & scan was one of those magic moments where the right people were brought together at the right time to make something truly remarkable.

shopping list checked.png

Traditional retail has to adapt to offer conveniences against Amazon and other online retailers. shop & scan allowed Meijer to build on their strength of 250+ stores combining it with years of Mobile experience. 

My role in the project was Senior Software Engineer, doing the majority of the work up to October 2019.

It was exciting turning on the TV in the morning and being part of a story (in a good way), below are some of the media highlights.

Like all projects it wasn’t prefect but we were a team that really worked well with each other.

The Product Owner, Designer, Scrum Master, Android Devloper, QA’s the Director of IT & Store Experience all contrubuted to such a high level that without any of them it might not have succedded.

Some technical highlights

  • The first time an internally developed component/framework was used in the Meijer Mobile App to add additional capacity without the risk of introducing bugs to the core codebase. Even though part of the Meijer Mobile App, it was 95% independent. 

  • The first time shopping was possible in the Meijer Mobile App

  • In addition to the shopping features, coupons are searched realtime allowing the customer to clip coupons that they might have missed 

  • First Swift from the ground up project (that was released)

shop & scan in the news

Meijer is launching a new mobile shopping program that will let shoppers to checkout as fast as they shop. (June 19, 2018)